Chamber network actions
- Overview
- Austria
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Netherlands
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Montenegro
- Russia
- Serbia
- Turkey
The network of Chambers of Commerce around Europe has been very active in responding to the threats that the covid-19 pandemic is posing to the economy. They are in constant contact with companies, with their respective governements and with the EU institutions to find solutions in order to tackle the disruptive effects of this crisis on business, and especially on small and medium enterprises.
Services provided for members
WKO installed a telephone hotline and a homepage with a chatbot that leads through the FAQs . Members can get in contact by e-mail or online request. These services are open on weekends. Topics are
- FAQ – Answers to the most common questions from labour law to contract law
- Information on restrictions
- Information on aid measures for companiesincluding Corona short-time work, hardship funds, corona funds, tax deferrals, guarantees, loans etc.
- Ordering Protective masks and initiatives to produce them
- Special information for certain industries and affected countries
- Mailing services for news and webinars for special target groups
Lobbying for members
WKÖ has created an emergency task force that coordinates the support for companies and is in close contact with the government to shape the aid measures for the Austrian economy.
WKO as a part of the Austrian Social partners have negotiated a dedicated Corona short-term working model.
WKO measures for financial relief
WKO decided to suspend the basic membership fee (basic levy) for this year until further notice. In addition, members can apply for a deferral or an instalment payment of chamber levies 1 and 2.
In the face of the biggest health crisis and economic downturn in recent decades, the Belgian Chambers of Commerce do everything possible to help companies get through the crisis by providing them information on health guidelines and government support measures. Each chamber has a dedicated corona hotline.
Chambers measure the impact of the corona crisis through weekly business surveys and they are working together with the government on an exit strategy and recovery plan.
Chambers help companies continue their activities as far as possible, with a specific focus on digital tools. Special attention is paid to the CONNECTS platform that all Belgian chambers use to assist companies with partner search and international business development.
More information is available at
Due to the spread of COVID-19 in Croatia, neighbouring countries and worldwide, as well as the impact of the new situation on the domestic economy, Croatian Chamber of Economy, through a separate section of the web site ( regularly informs entrepreneurs about the development of the situation and the details that affect their business.
General information and daily recommendations for the preservation of health, as well as sector-specific guidance focused on the problems faced by particular industries are being published on the web site and communicated to the members.
A special e-mail address for coronavirus inquiries was opened (, and a special procedure was established by the CCE Contact Centre to resolve queries from member companies (member line – CCE – competent authority – member).
CCE is involved in drafting measures to assist the economy to mitigate the consequences of the situation, especially aimed at productive and export-oriented sectors of the economy and preserving liquidity.
The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry has been close to its members from the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak and has assisted the efforts for facing the crisis through the provision of constant information and clarifications with regard to the measures and schemes that have been announced, the submission of its views for the greatest possible support of businesses and their employees during these difficult times we are going through but also the restart of the economy.
An abundance of information has been posted on our website at We are placing particular emphasis now on what needs to be done to revitalize the economy once the restrictions start to be gradually lifted. We are in constant touch with the relevant Ministers, while the President of our President will participate in a meeting of the social partners with the President of the Republic with the specific purpose of examining ways of how to best restart the economy for the benefit of all.
The Czech Chamber of Commerce,
- Makes proposals for compensatory measures to the government and negotiates with the government and politicians.
- Responds, free of charge, in partnership with partner law firms, to specific questions from entrepreneurs, not just its members, in connection with a pandemic.
- Is in constant contact with the members who are informed daily via direct mailing about major news and polled on weekly basis regarding the situation.
- Coordinates requirements and ideas with its regional and professional network.
- Issues force majeure certificates.
- Launched an application for the use of temporary workers and free business capacity at
- Organized a platform to ensure the supply of protective, medical and sanitary equipment needed for entrepreneurs and their employees
- Approached the professional chambers of attorneys, tax advisors, accountants and auditors with a request for cooperation and the provision of services and for the use of service “PODEJTO ZA ME” at reduced price or for free. The service enables the processing of official formalities through data box holders.
- Publishes model examples of corporate losses linked to the crisis.
- Develops manuals and guidance on how to apply for compensatory measures and provides with application forms.
- In cooperation with Czech Credit Bureau – Monitoring Cribis enables monitoring of the economic situation of customers and business partners free of charge for 2 months.
- Multiplied highly its presence in media and together with partners, it created an extensive advertising campaign to save entrepreneurs.
During Covid-19 crisis Finland Chamber of Commerce as a national Chamber and 19 regional Chambers are working closely together in order to help member companies in their challenges. Co-operation with regional chambers has converged during the crisis and we are maintaining even closer contact with chambers and offering our support.
Chambers are collecting practical information from companies by making regular market studies and and publish them in the media. Chambers are also making proposals for Finnish Government how to help companies over bad times.
Finland Chamber of Commerce actively participates in the social discussions in multiple channels (incl. media, internal and external communications to stakeholders). We publish proposals and solutions and comment the topic through national channels.
During the crisis, we have opened new communications channels so that we can support companies and bring our views into the social debate. For example, we opened a website where companies will find corona information for their use. We update the page continually.
Through our international Finncham network and Chamber partners we are also gathering information from other markets. EUROCHAMBRES is also sharing useful information among European Chambers. Furthermore, Chambers are hosting webinars and updating special Covid-19 website concerning practical information.
The French network of CCIs has been appointed by the Government as the first contact point for companies during the coronavirus outbreak. Since mid-March, more than 215,000 businesses have contacted CCIs’ support units.
As a member of the Taskforce set up by the French Government, CCI France is supporting the public authorities’ response to the crisis by providing information on the coronavirus impact on economic sectors as well as feedback on the implementation of national support plans for companies. At the regional and local level, CCIs are fully mobilised to support local economy and encourage solidarity initiatives. For example, they offer online free training courses to entrepreneurs and help companies to recruit workforce to facilitate the production of medical equipment. In order to prepare for the economic recovery after the lockdown, CCI France is leading a reflection group which is elaborating proposals to be submitted to the public authorities.
More information is available at
The UHCCI has advocated to the Greek Government for five immediate measures needed to support the economy in the current situation
- The extension of the First House Protection Act until the end of the year. The process of auction cannot be initiated in times of covid-19 crisis in a country which has experienced an economic crisis in the previous years.
- The rate of return of withholding taxes from paid work and pensions and payments from business-related activities from two to six months in order to enhance the income and the businesses and employees’ liquidity, during this critical situation.
- The sealing checks postponement for a period of at least two months without however removing all the legal obligations of issuers that are currently into force.
- The extension of the reimbursement of E.F.Κ.A insurance contributions for 3 months in order to support the businesses that are already affected by the effects of the pandemic.
- The direct reduction of ENFIA for Private Law Enterprises which was not included in last year’s reduction and referred only to natural persons.
Chambers Ireland continues to inform and support our network of chambers as new information emerges on COVID-19.
We have launched a series of nationwide businesses impact surveys on a regular basis in which all parts of the country are represented in the responses. The results inform the advocacy of Chambers Ireland and affiliated chambers and provide guidance to the Government on next steps required to support business through the crisis. The results of these surveys can be found here.
Additionally, our team is continuing to closely engage with Government officials from a range of Departments demonstrating the concerns of our members. We have frequent contact with our dedicated policy forums and Chief Executives in which we discuss and propose economic supports, strategic actions and recommendations to be made to central Government.
Chambers Ireland continues to urge sincere engagement by State bodies to support businesses to stay afloat during these unprecedented times. We have a dedicated section of our website for members to consult for all State supports, information, updates, survey responses, and press releases.
Since the beginning of the emergency, Italian Chambers of Commerce have been putting in place actions at different level under the coordination of a Task Force coordinated by Unioncamere 1) as a first priority, seamless provision of public services (most of them already digitalized). Chambers also provide companies, upon request, with force majeure certificates to comply with international contracts. 2) financial intervention of Chambers to facilitate SMEs’ access to credit (in particular on lending rates). 3) creation of InformaImpresa, a web portal, updated on a daily basis, disseminating useful information for companies and providing an hotline (telephone and mail) ready to respond to SMEs requests. 4) carrying out studies on the impact of coronavirus on the national/local economy 5) creation of an observatory on border traffic restrictions in Europe in Italian, English and German. 6) matchmaking between demand and offer of medical supplies and personnel to face the emergency.
The Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (the LCCI) is Latvia’s largest business association. It is actively working to provide support to businesses and their employees on the consequences of the current COVID-19 situation.
To understand the current situation the LCCI consults with its members and takes into consideration the recommendations of entrepreneurs. It is also working closely with the government, to provide information and possible solutions on problem situations caused by COVID-19 for LCCI members.
The LCCI continues to raise the competitiveness and awareness of members through webinars and online briefings and discussions.
It also gives a consultation to members about state support mechanisms to overcome COVID-19 crisis which can be obtained by writing to the LCCI consultation email or calling the consultation line.
The LCCI also issues Force Majeure Certificates.
For more, visit the website of the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, where information is regularly updated –
The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (KVK NL) has been appointed as the official first point of contact for entrepreneurs, working together with public and private partners (business organisations). The KVK Coronaloket contains all relevant information for entrepreneurs (f.e. FAQ and government support measures). A special line (0800-2117) has been opened for all questions. Every day about 90-100 advisors are answering questions by telephone. The number of calls and online visits of the Coronaloket is publised every day on the press channel. (16-04: 35.000 calls and 2,2 million online visits). A special Corona Chatbot is supporting the information task.
KVK informs entrepreneurs by special newsletters (200.000 subscribers) and by Linkedin (32.000 subscribers) and Twitter (62.000 followers), supported by explainer videos.
For foreign entrepreneurs, KVK is also managing (and works with partners on) the Single Digital Gateway portal in the Netherlands: The information on COVID-19 is derived from the KVK website and has been put in English.
KVK regularly publishes polls about COVID-19 in relation to entrepreneurs, for exemple about government support measures and about financial expectations. 03-04: Update and Report. 16-04: Update and Report
Information provided by the Polish authorities on covid-19 for entrepreneurs can be found at this website. Special recommendations by the Polish Chamber of Commerce for entrepreneurs can be found at this link.
Polish Chamber of Commerce created a special #SolidarnizBiznesem campaign which aims to propose effective and simple solutions for business, especially for SMEs during the pandemic. More information:
PCC has also has created a special newsletter entitled “International Courier” with the latest news about pandemic in other countries of the world.
Polish business organizations of entrepreneurs, including Polish Chamber of Commerce, are calling for the conclusion of the social pact “2020 as the Year of Regulatory Peace”, which in a difficult period will allow companies to reduce the already high sense of uncertainty and give them a chance to maintain existing employment.
The Polish Chamber of Commerce urged the government to take action to guarantee a package of measures for employers that protects jobs against their permanent liquidation by making possible using eco-economic downtime and reduced working time more flexible while subsidizing employees’ salaries and social security allowances.
The Portuguese Chamber of Commerce is working closely with the Government to ensure that businesses have the most up-to-date information and resources to face COVID – 19 impact.
To promote swift action and clear guidance on how to access public funds and other assistance programs, a Corona Desk, “Gabinete de Apoio às Empresas COVID-19”, was set up in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy. The Corona Desk, with a dedicated website, consists of a hotline – telephone and specific email address – to answer target questions.
Online surveys, which serves as a barometer of pandemic impact on business and the effectiveness of government support measures, are conducted every two weeks. Results and major concerns of businesses are transmitted to the Portuguese Government.
The Chamber rolled out a program of digital events such as webinars to guide companies to access to government support schemes or to successfully promote their business – at national and international level – during and after COVID – 19 pandemic.
In line with the outbreak of the COVID 19 virus and the current situation Chamber of Economy of Montenegro is acting as responsible and reliable partner to the economy and Government.
Chamber of Economy of Montenegro (CEM) enables faster, simpler and more efficient flow of relevant information as well as a response to emerging business problems that occurred.
We are in constant contact with business community, Government, line ministries and relevant institutions.
Communication with business community is direct (by phone, questionnaires and e-mail). Most of questions are related with interpretation of measures imposed by Government and possibilities for support (mostly SME, tourism, agriculture, catering…).
Most important information we share also through a separate section of our website.
CCI Russia undertakes various measures to support business during the crisis caused by spread of COVID-19.
A hot line for entrepreneurs is organised by CCI RF in order to explain aspects related to force majeure circumstances, government measures on tax legislation, employment and labour relations, financing and subsidiaries, state and municipal property rent.
CCI Russia as well as local CCIs is in charge of issuing of force majeure certificates.
A wide range of webinars, anti-crisis live broadcasts is constantly held by leading experts from government bodies and chamber community.
In order to monitor the level of crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic CCI RF launched the online opinion poll which is called “Business Barometer of the Country”. The results will be used while implementing new measures of business support.
The updated information on CCI RF activity during the crisis can be found via the following link:
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia has set up a Chamber Task Force for providing all necessary corona related information to the member. CCIS has established an Info Service for the all economic operators in Serbia, which can be found in the front page of our website
We invited all economic operators in Serbia, to address us with issues regarding transportation, supply of raw materials, supply, export and import, participation in trade fairs, to contact CCIS to inform and help them to adjust business in accordance with current measures. CCIS goal is to support our members and to reduce the consequences for businesses, as well as the Serbian economy, through joint solutions.
CCIS works in close cooperation with Serbian Government, as part of Economic Crises Response Time. CCIS has vastly contributed to the state economic measures for mitigating the negative effects caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, with the estimated effect in the amount of RSD 608.3 billion (5,178 billion EUR).
- Membership fees of Chambers postponed until October 2020.
- Local Chambers will be part of the Pandemic Councils to be established in each city
- With the proposal of TOBB, the government postponed income taxes, VAT and social security premium payments in the most affected sectors for 6 months.
- The Guarantee capacity of the Credit Guarantee Fund, of which TOBB is the founding partner, doubled.
- Units to communicate consumer complaints are established in the local Chambers regarding unfair price increases in health, food and cleaning materials and sanitizers.
- Regular disinfection and control processes are carried out at the Customs Gates (Land border checkpoints) operated by TOBB. (Iran border gate is closed. Disinfection control is done at Iraqi and Georgia gates). All the trucks are disinfected.
- Local Chambers inform their members’ concerning the measures of protection against corona virus. Brochures and written materials are distributed in the local Chambers.
- Sectoral working groups are formed within TOBB to put forward the difficulties of the industry and service sectors (tourism etc.) that are expected to be adversely affected and then we submit these problems and suggestions to the government.
- Concerning the foreign trade, studies are being made to use more railways than road transport.
- Alternative supply countries are being explored in order to mitigate the negative impact of distorted input supply chain.
- TOBB examine consumer complaints about face masks. Unfair price increases are examined by our local chambers.
- TOBB asked companies to hold general assembly and board meetings electronically and online through internet.
- Validation of industrial capacity reports that expired in March and April have been extended to May
Chamber network actions
The network of Chambers of Commerce around Europe has been very active in responding to the threats that the covid-19 pandemic is posing to the economy. They are in constant contact with companies, with their respective governements and with the EU institutions to find solutions in order to tackle the disruptive effects of this crisis on business, and especially on small and medium enterprises.
Services provided for members
WKO installed a telephone hotline and a homepage Members can get in contact by e-mail or online request. A chatbot on the homepage leads through the FAQs. These services are also offered on weekends.
- FAQ – Answers to the most common questions from labour law to contract law
- Information on restrictions: Which companies are affected?
- Information on aid measures for companies including Corona short-time work, hardship funds, corona funds, tax deferrals, guarantees, loans etc.
- Protective masks: Ordering and initiatives
- Special service information for certain industries
- Current updates from affected countries
- Mailing services for news and webinars for special target groups
Lobbying for members
WKÖ has created an emergency task force that coordinates the support for companies and is in close contact with the government to shape the aid measures for the Austrian economy.
The hardship funds are even handled by WKO for the government.
WKO also negotiated the new model for short time work with the social partners.
WKO internal measures for financial relief
WKO decided to suspend the basic membership fee (basic levy) for this year until further notice. In addition, members can apply for a deferral or an instalment payment of chamber levies 1 and 2.
Due to the spread of COVID-19 in Croatia, neighbouring countries and worldwide, as well as the impact of the new situation on the domestic economy, Croatian Chamber of Economy, through a separate section of the web site ( regularly informs entrepreneurs about the development of the situation and the details that affect their business.
General information and daily recommendations for the preservation of health, as well as sector-specific guidance focused on the problems faced by particular industries are being published on the web site and communicated to the members.
A special e-mail address for coronavirus inquiries was opened (, and a special procedure was established by the CCE Contact Centre to resolve queries from member companies (member line – CCE – competent authority – member).
CCE is involved in drafting measures to assist the economy to mitigate the consequences of the situation, especially aimed at productive and export-oriented sectors of the economy and preserving liquidity.
Czech Republic
The activities of the Czech Chamber of Commerce to support businesses in times of the crisis:
- Makes proposals for compensatory measures to the government and negotiates with the government and politicians.
- Responds, free of charge, in partnership with partner law firms, to specific questions from entrepreneurs, not just its members, in connection with a pandemic.
- Is in constant contact with the members who are informed daily via direct mailing about major news and polled on weekly basis regarding the situation.
- Coordinates requirements and ideas with its regional and professional network.
- Issues force majeure certificates.
- Launched an application for the use of temporary workers and free business capacity at
- Organized a platform to ensure the supply of protective, medical and sanitary equipment needed for entrepreneurs and their employees
- Approached the professional chambers of attorneys, tax advisors, accountants and auditors with a request for cooperation and the provision of services and for the use of service “PODEJTO ZA ME” at reduced price or for free. The service enables the processing of official formalities through data box holders.
- Publishes model examples of corporate losses linked to the crisis.
- Develops manuals and guidance on how to apply for compensatory measures and provides with application forms.
- In cooperation with Czech Credit Bureau – Monitoring Cribis enables monitoring of the economic situation of customers and business partners free of charge for 2 months.
- Multiplied highly its presence in media and together with partners, it created an extensive advertising campaign to save entrepreneurs.
During Covid-19 crisis Finland Chamber of Commerce as a national Chamber and 19 regional Chambers are working closely together in order to help member companies in their challenges. Co-operation with regional chambers has converged during the crisis and we are maintaining even closer contact with chambers and offering our support.
Chambers are collecting practical information from companies by making regular market studies and and publish them in the media. Chambers are also making proposals for Finnish Government how to help companies over bad times.
Finland Chamber of Commerce actively participates in the social discussions in multiple channels (incl. media, internal and external communications to stakeholders). We publish proposals and solutions and comment the topic through national channels.
During the crisis, we have opened new communications channels so that we can support companies and bring our views into the social debate. For example, we opened a website where companies will find corona information for their use. We update the page continually.
Through our international Finncham network and Chamber partners we are also gathering information from other markets. EUROCHAMBRES is also sharing useful information among European Chambers. Furthermore, Chambers are hosting webinars and updating special Covid-19 website concerning practical information.
Since the beginning of the emergency, Italian Chambers of Commerce have been putting in place actions at different level under the coordination of a Task Force coordinated by Unioncamere 1) as a first priority, seamless provision of public services (most of them already digitalized). Chambers also provide companies, upon request, with force majeure certificates to comply with international contracts. 2) financial intervention of Chambers to facilitate SMEs’ access to credit (in particular on lending rates). 3) creation of InformaImpresa, a web portal, updated on a daily basis, disseminating useful information for companies and providing an hotline (telephone and mail) ready to respond to SMEs requests. 3) carrying out studies on the impact of coronavirus on the national/local economy 4) creation of an observatory on border traffic restrictions in Europe in Italian, English and German. 5) matchmaking between demand and offer of medical supplies and personnel to face the emergency.
The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (KVK NL) has been appointed as the official first point of contact for entrepreneurs, working together with public and private partners (business organisations). The KVK Coronaloket contains all relevant information for entrepreneurs (f.e. FAQ and government support measures). A special line (0800-2117) has been opened for all questions. Every day about 90-100 advisors are answering questions by telephone. The number of calls and online visits of the Coronaloket is publised every day on the press channel. (16-04: 35.000 calls and 2,2 million online visits). A special Corona Chatbot is supporting the information task.
KVK informs entrepreneurs by special newsletters (200.000 subscribers) and by Linkedin (32.000 subscribers) and Twitter (62.000 followers), supported by explainer videos.
For foreign entrepreneurs, KVK is also managing (and works with partners on) the Single Digital Gateway portal in the Netherlands: The information on COVID-19 is derived from the KVK website and has been put in English.
KVK regularly publishes polls about COVID-19 in relation to entrepreneurs, for exemple about government support measures and about financial expectations. 03-04: Update and Report. 16-04: Update and Report.
In line with the outbreak of the COVID 19 virus and the current situation Chamber of Economy
of Montenegro is acting as responsible and reliable partner to the economy and Government.
Chamber of Economy of Montenegro (CEM) enables faster, simpler and more efficient flow of
relevant information as well as a response to emerging business problems that occurred.
We are in constant contact with business community, Government, line ministries and relevant
Communication with business community is direct (by phone, questionnaires and e-mail). Most
of questions are related with interpretation of measures imposed by Government and possibilities
for support (mostly SME, tourism, agriculture, catering…).
Most important information we share also through a separate section of our website.
CCI Russia undertakes various measures to support business during the crisis caused by spread of COVID-19.
A hot line for entrepreneurs is organised by CCI RF in order to explain aspects related to force majeure circumstances, government measures on tax legislation, employment and labour relations, financing and subsidiaries, state and municipal property rent.
CCI Russia as well as local CCIs is in charge of issuing of force majeure certificates.
A wide range of webinars, anti-crisis live broadcasts is constantly held by leading experts from government bodies and chamber community.
In order to monitor the level of crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic CCI RF launched the online opinion poll which is called “Business Barometer of the Country”. The results will be used while implementing new measures of business support.
The updated information on CCI RF activity during the crisis can be found via the following link: